Welcome to our Family Blog! This is a cozy little corner where you can keep up to date on all the adventures, milestones, happenings and fun that our dear Heavenly Father sends our family's way on Life's Journey! And our gradual journey toward a life of living off the land and self-sufficiency! So hop aboard and join us!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Lemon-Yellow Kitchen!!!

(I was hoping to have had this post completed before today's post, so the theme of this post is probably already old news to my main readers, but, better late than never!)

Hi All!

BIG NEWS! We finally got our Kitchen painted and new cabinets installed, to go with our brand new sink, so that the kitchen now finally has the complete effect we'd been working and saving towards, all summer long!

I wasn't quite sure exactly how the color yellow would come out, but, when I stepped into the newly painted kitchen I nearly fell over with disbelief!!  I was over the moon!!  The end result was just breathtaking!  I'm just sooo HAPPY!!!!

As you can see from the pictures, I've decided to go with a Tea Set Kitchen Theme, as British Tea Time Rituals are something I have a deep love for, and very feminine and lady-like!

May our dear Lord Jesus shower His Choicest Blessings on you all!

Your Sister in Christ,
Mrs Allen

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