Welcome to our Family Blog! This is a cozy little corner where you can keep up to date on all the adventures, milestones, happenings and fun that our dear Heavenly Father sends our family's way on Life's Journey! And our gradual journey toward a life of living off the land and self-sufficiency! So hop aboard and join us!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Freezer Food - Cream of Sweet Potato Soups!

Well firstly, I just wanted to say Thank You so very much for your messages and comments sweet ladies!  
Also I was really, really excited to discover, just yesterday, the website of a lovely lady who has a website describing absolutely cute and beautiful 'Blog Makeovers' ( - Blogs are a really girly-girly thing, aren't they?!! With the description being called, A Makeover, like that?! *'giggle!'*) that she offers as a service, for a low price, for people!  And I wouldn't have to figure any of it out!  Just have her decorate my Blog, add links, and make it all pretty-pretty!!

It will be a few weeks before I get that decoration done, and then I will also be changing the name of this new, different blog to 'Our Family', as this humble little blog was more of a first-time trial.  So I'll be sure to let you all know when my New, Beautiful, Family Blog has been launched!! So that you can keep up with our lives for many, many years to come!! And it will be like an on-going diary for me to look back on!!  And of course I'll copy the posts I've already created here. (And we can still make little lists of gratitude on it =) *sweet smile*

Alrightie, my latest Project, or Goal, has been to try to cook a whole variety of soups with the aim of filling my freezer with instant labeled meals that I can simply take out for a Dinner - minus the labor!!! 

There are all kinds of reasons why I often simply dont manage to cook a homemade dinner on a particular day...a cranky teething toddler (you know, I was just thinking the other day that I couldn't believe that I actually no longer have a baby around the house!  Now that Victoria has progressed to walking, I now have a Toddler, and a Little Girl! =)), a day spent out shopping, a mischevious little girl keeping me constantly on my toes, a day spent tidying the house from one end to the other (which needs doing frequently around here!), or a day spent chatting with my sisters, brothers and family, (now that's a really fun excuse!! *gigggle!!*) or the other many days when I simply feel too exhausted..mothering little ones..*sigh*

Sooo, I'm going to feel very, very pleased with myself the day I see my freezer full of Meals To Go!!

And, last but not least, the Winter Season is coming up, Christmas Preparations are coming up...cooold weather is coming up...all more reasons to encourage you all to turn your thoughts this month to Soups! *chuckle!*

Here's how I made my Cream of Sweet Potato Soup:

I was making quite a large batch so, along with 4 onions, 5 large boiled red potatoes, (I left the skins on) 5 oven-cooked sweet potatoes, milk, I used a whole stick of butter and an 8oz pack of cream cheese:

 And then when everything is blended to the right consistency - your own preference - ladel out a bowl to taste - this is a must after the wonderful smell of sweet potatoes filling your whole house!

Then collect your assortment of Tupperware:

And finally, but very importantly, label each tub to be frozen.

There you have it!  ohhh, this Soup is sooooo yummy!!!


..And an Autumn Theme sign-off!

Autumn, Autumn how I love thee! (see picture of my little girl below!)

Your sister in Christ,
Mrs Allen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying reading your blog Claire!! The recepies you put up look great!It's like reaading a Ladies Against Feminism website! xx