Welcome to our Family Blog! This is a cozy little corner where you can keep up to date on all the adventures, milestones, happenings and fun that our dear Heavenly Father sends our family's way on Life's Journey! And our gradual journey toward a life of living off the land and self-sufficiency! So hop aboard and join us!

Monday, November 1, 2010

All Saints Day Party!

Well, Welcome one and all to our new Family Blog Website!!  Complete with makeover!  Which I was able to do for no cost whatsoever since I ended up being able to do it all myself (which is why it still looks a little put-together looking...I'm looking out for ways to upgrade!). ooh, and, the best part!!!  I found a website that offers to print your whole blog so that you can order either a hardcover or softcover beautifully bound printed-out version of all your musings of the past several years!!!!  To either bestow onto our children as a gift, or to keep as an heirloom!!! (I much, much prefer something I can hold in my hand, rather than just on a screen.  Thats why I also so much prefer printed-out photo albums, rather than on-screen collections - there's something sooo much more special about printed-out albums, and on special occasions the whole family can gather round the sofa or table to see them and reminise!) I assumed that this offer was going to be hugely expensive, but to my delight it was a lot cheaper than I thought!  So if any of you are interested in obtaining this treasure trove offer for your families, let me know, and I'll send you the link!)

I hope we will all have as much fun here as we did on my old blog (short as it was)!  And, as you will see below, the old articles (please forgive the very colloquial style grammar - I dont try to make it proper, on here, rather only aiming for the effect that we are chatting!  I'll be saving my proper essays for when I'm teaching my daughter in a few years proper english grammar!) are below this new one, so that everything can be in one place.

I've chatted with most of you on skype a little while ago, about how much fun we had at the little party, but for those of you that I didn't manage to talk to already (as well as any newcomers or old friends here!), I'm eager to tell you how much fun we had! We are truly blessed to be a part of a parish of such lovely warm welcoming families, as I know too well that not many parishes are as fortunate in this way as we are.  Its almost more like one large family!  

One of Rose's little friends was dressed as St Helen, complete with a huge Cross and Crown!  And one little fellow was dressed in an impressive soldier costume, as St Jeorge. And another as St John Bosco...and each child gave a little recitation, or clues, about which Saint they were.  It was just all so much fun, and especially delightful to see how much effort and thought went into each and every costume!! 

Rose and I are hoping to find out the birthdays of her little friends so that we can give them little homemade birthday cards each year!  My own little girls were dressed as Angels. I bought my oldest daughter's little costume, and my sister-in-law made Vicki's little adorable costume.  And our Pastor came up to compliment the little costume-wearer! 

And I think I was even more excited than my girls over the delightful little party bags each child got to bring home, full of all kinds of sweet little surprises!!!

Since I cant share photos of others on a public site, I'm just only including a photo of just our daughter, in her Angel Costume, holding a Pumpkin - doesn't she look cute!

Well, Hope you all had a wonderful All Saints Day with your children, and your parishes, and lets take this occasion to remember what a blessing it is to be part of our parish family!  We are sooo fortunate! God Bless!

Your sister in Christ,
Mrs Allen

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