Welcome to our Family Blog! This is a cozy little corner where you can keep up to date on all the adventures, milestones, happenings and fun that our dear Heavenly Father sends our family's way on Life's Journey! And our gradual journey toward a life of living off the land and self-sufficiency! So hop aboard and join us!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Wonderful Christmas!

Well hello again folks after a most wonderful Christmas!!  And hoping that you all had a most joyous and blessed Christmas Season also!

Also, I cant promise that I'll be managing to post as regularly as before Christmas...I've been finding myself swept into a extremely busy couple of weeks here with all kinds of new and exciting projects cropping up...such as making my very first Montessori Preschool activities for my little daughter, plans for switching to making homemade baby food for Vicki, rather than store-bought, and now that I have my Christmas Kitchen Aid - plans to start making large batches of meals to fill and stock the freezer with ready-to-defrost-and-eat homemade meals, renovating the greenhouse with my husband in order to prepare for our very extensive vegetable gardening plans for the New Year in order to live off our own homemade canned goods for at least a portion of the winter.....yeah...LOTS going on around here!...And so I will probably be shifting to posting once a month, rather than once a week.

But at least the good side will be that when I do get around to sitting down here, it will be to compile a really good full post on the activities of the latest few weeks!

God Bless You All Dear Readers!

Your Sister In Christ,

Mrs Allen

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