Welcome to our Family Blog! This is a cozy little corner where you can keep up to date on all the adventures, milestones, happenings and fun that our dear Heavenly Father sends our family's way on Life's Journey! And our gradual journey toward a life of living off the land and self-sufficiency! So hop aboard and join us!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby #3 On The Way!

Hi at last All!  Well, it's been a long while since I last updated you all with our goings-on around here...We've all just recently recovered from winter flu, and I've been sick on top of that - We're expecting Baby #3 - Little Robbie/Little Lucy, in early October!  We're all very excited, especially Rose!

Well to wrap up for today, I have a few photos of our St Patricks Day to share with you all! 

Hope you are all having a wonderful St Patricks Day Weekend!

Your Sister in Christ,

Mrs Allen